Serving on Sundays Sign-Up Sheet

Would you like to help make Sunday morning worship services at FCJPUU meaningful and run smoothly? Indicate interest here and we'll begin sending you the sign-up sheet! We'll also reach out to provide training and/or answer questions.
How would you like to serve? Indicate your interest below, and we'll begin sending you the sign-up sheet. (See bottom of form for role descriptions.)
Please select all that apply.

Some positions require an application:

Want to serve as a "Worship Weaver?" Please fill out this application.
Want to work with children/youth? Please fill out this application.


Arriving about 30 minutes prior to the start of the church service, greeters prepare the table(s) for name tags and orders of service. They greet and in other ways provide a welcoming presence for all, but especially for those newer to us. After worship, they help put the name tag materials back in storage. New greeters are buddied by an experienced greeter.

Readers read elements selected and emailed to you by Rev. EB on/by Saturday. They practice beforehand, and arrive 15 minutes prior to worship to practice using the mic.

This position requires arriving thirty minutes early to assist Helene with setting up materials for worship, and staying after to ensure items are put away. (On rare occasions, when Helene is away, we will need a volunteer to be fully responsible for setup/cleanup: this will be communicated ahead of time.) 

Worship Tech Team:
These folks are trained to operate the A/V system, the livestream, and the Zoom, and are ready to help if Helene needs assistance. (On rare occasions, when Helene is away, we will need a volunteer to be fully responsible for tech.)
Songleaders lead a centering hymn selected by Rev. EB and/or sing from the front mic during hymns that could use support.

Worship Weaver:
Worship Weavers support the Minister in worship leading and may also sign up to fully plan & lead worship when the Minister is away, and to serve as "liturgist" to a guest preacher. Full description and application here.

Volunteer with children
Help care for our youngest Unitarian Universalists during worship, special "parents' night out" events on select Saturdays, etc. Apply here.


Would you like to help make Sunday morning worship services at FCJPUU meaningful and run smoothly? Indicate interest here and we'll begin sending you the sign-up sheet! We'll also reach out to provide training and/or answer questions.